Author Archives: Susan

“… inhaling too much of it can result in suffocation due to insufficient oxygen,” reads a new safety alert issued by WorkSafeBC after a BC farmer was exposed to elevated methane levels while moving manure. This is a known hazard – but reminders are still needed.

Communication in the workplace is crucial to safety. A lack of English skills can make it difficult for newcomers to understand their rights and talk about health and safety issues. To address this barrier to safety, the BC Federation of Labour is offering a free ESL workshop for workers.

“All too often, supervisory tasks are imposed on employees without considering the nature of those new responsibilities. This results in giving a new job to someone who does not have the skills or knowledge to do it,” says Earl Galavan, OHS Advisor for SafetyDriven – the Trucking Safety Council of BC. In this blog post, […]

Falls from heights are a leading cause of serious injuries for workers in the residential construction industry. WorkSafeBC joins with safety organizations in other regions by upping inspections in its Stay On Top Enforcement blitz.

Photo of worker in convenience store

Here’s a good example of why these workers need protection from the public. I heard it from a late night delivery driver who fuels his work truck at least four times a week in the middle of the night at gas stations with convenience stores.

“When you engage the leaders of an organization – whether it’s the CEO, president, or vice president of the business side – they understand that it actually is better for business to work safely,” says Donna Wilson, WorkSafeBC’s VP of Industry Services and Sustainability. Donna is opening the second day of the Make It Safe […]

I invited him to coffee – and it was so uncomfortable and intimidating that I had tears in my eyes. He stared at me, looking really uncomfortable, as I asked, stammering, if I had done something to make him mad. After a silence, as I wiped my eyes and sipped my coffee, he said not to take it personally and said: “There’s a few things that really piss me off. One is when the Canucks lose.”

Advice from Ian Rood – owner of UBSafe Inc. a company that specializes in safeguarding and risk assessment. He’s been training WorkSafeBC officers to spot and address safeguarding violations. See Ian’s seminar at the Make it Safe Conference in Vancouver Sept. 21 & 22.

It’s up for discussion in BC – and many other places. Employers, supervisors, and workers in BC are invited to share their views on a discussion paper and proposed new OHS policies regarding workplace bullying and harassment, published by WorkSafeBC.

“Every worksite has a safety culture. It may be good or bad but it is real and it is an important determinant in work-related injury and disease,” says Terry Bogyo, keynote speaker at the Make it Safe Conference in Vancouver Sept. 21 and 22.