WorkSafe Victoria just launched the first two TV spots in a new campaign to reduce slips, trips, and falls at work – showing the consequence of taking shortcuts.
Author Archives: Susan

Musculoskeletal injuries, such as sprains and strains, are the most common injuries to treeplanters. A new series of info sheets for silviculture workers is available online from WorkSafeBC.

3M is offering a free info session for employers on monitoring heat stress. It covers “the potential risks of heat stress, how to detect key environmental factors that can contribute to heat stress, and how to establish a heat stress management program.”

People who clean hotel rooms account for more than 40 percent of WorkSafeBC claim costs within the BC accommodation sector. A new guide from go2 addresses safety for this group of workers – including forms, checklists, and other documents you can customize for your own workplace.
“Straight outta Edmonton” – rap video stars Matt and Chris put a new spin on an old message: Don’t be a safety fool. New video from – Alberta WCB’s young worker campaign.

A forklift safety trainer in BC recommends the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation app as a good way to keep informed. The first version of the app, for iPhone, was downloaded 6,729 times, so a second version was released in March to include Android users.

A painter, who works on projects with many other trades, says that – without a doubt – the most important safety precaution is keeping a clean worksite. Too often he sees a lack of clean-up, which really frustrates him because of the risks it poses to others.

I recently visited the CanSav website and read a number of tributes to people who died from asbestos-related illness. Bob Katzka – founder of the Canadian Society for Asbestos Victims – emailed a link to the site when he introduced himself after finding my blog. His father died of asbestos-related illness in 2007 and he’s sharing his story so others will know they aren’t alone.

I recently took part in a webinar hosted by the BC Forest Safety Council and listened to a presentation called “How WorkSafeBC Sets Rates” by Gerry Paquette, a manager in WorkSafeBC’s Certification and Rate Modification Department. It was the first time this popular in-person seminar was offered by webinar.

“On the Day of Mourning, we recognize people who’ve had tragedies and workplace incidents, then the following week is NAOSH Week. That should be the call to action for people – to do something to make the change in their health and safety culture in their organization,” said Kathy Tull, industry specialist at WorkSafeBC. “How can they do that? By having safety meetings, doing training, and there are so many things organizations can do.”