Young workers in BC share stories on Facebook and enter to win an iPad
Young workers in BC share stories on Facebook and enter to win an iPad
“Where would you like to see a BC HighwayCam in our province to better help you know before you go?” An important question indeed – for working drivers and the public – and throughout June it was TranBC’s monthly survey question.
Musculoskeletal injuries, such as sprains and strains, are the most common injuries to treeplanters. A new series of info sheets for silviculture workers is available online from WorkSafeBC.
A forklift safety trainer in BC recommends the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation app as a good way to keep informed. The first version of the app, for iPhone, was downloaded 6,729 times, so a second version was released in March to include Android users.
I recently took part in a webinar hosted by the BC Forest Safety Council and listened to a presentation called “How WorkSafeBC Sets Rates” by Gerry Paquette, a manager in WorkSafeBC’s Certification and Rate Modification Department. It was the first time this popular in-person seminar was offered by webinar.
On Saturday May 5, 2012, the 15th Annual BC Championship Forklift Rally will take place at the Cloverdale Agriplex. Forklift operators from around BC will gather to test their knowledge in writing and their skills behind the wheel. For the first time, participants will also have a chance to win one of four pairs of Canucks tickets.
Check out this video from Cold Fire Canada, who just released a new, portable fire extinguisher that can be suspended from any ceiling.
In case you’re thinking of joining LinkedIn – but haven’t checked it out yet – here’s an example of what it offers the safety community.
Let this post be an announcement to any construction employers who don’t yet know about WorkSafeBC’s construction nurses – available to them free of charge by phone for advice on injuries, disability management, return-to-work issues, and claims.
Back strains account for almost 25 percent of all WorkSafeBC claims, so the FIOSA/MIOSA Safety Alliance is offering a Workplace Warm-up and Stretches fact sheet online.