Author Archives: Susan

Chances are, you’ve heard how important it is to “call before you dig” – but it’s just as important to “call before you clear” when working with sewer lines.

If you get sick, stay home – unlike the person who sneezed on me in the shoe section of Value Village.

“We’re still the same people delivering the same awesome service with the same great resources. We just have a new look,” says Wendy Bennett, AgSafe’s executive director.

More than half of all injuries in the accommodation industry involve this group of workers, and that’s why industry and WorkSafeBC created some new safety resources for them.

It’s important to have your grab-and-go kit because you might be stuck at work for a few days… you’ll feel a whole lot better knowing your family has emergency supplies in place, and you’ll be a lot better off if you have emergency supplies at work.