The International Media Festival for Prevention has announced their shortlist of 50 safety films and media projects.

Photo credit: © WorkSafeBC (Workers’ Compensation Board
of B.C.), used with permission
I recently enjoyed watching a variety of fascinating workplace health and safety messages from across Canada and around the world. They were part of the International Media Festival for Prevention (IMFP), which showcases multimedia productions about safety and health at work. Fifty films and projects were shortlisted.
One finalist is Turning the Tide: PFDs in the Fishing Industry, a video from WorkSafeBC. It includes a powerful message from people who survived disasters at sea and are sharing their stories in hopes of keeping others safe. (Read more in my blog post Real-life stories from survivors remind us to use PFDs.)
One of my favourite submissions is from Peru. Pausa activa con actitud y liderazgo (translated as “Active pauses on site are good safety leadership”) shows a team of construction workers doing an aerobics routine to lively music on a break. Keeping active and moving around is so important to our physical and mental well-being — no matter where we are or what industry we are in. This video is a lot of fun. It might even make you want to join in, especially if you’re working from home and no one else can see you!

Screenshot of the International Media Festival
2020 entry ‘Safety Education App for Africans’
retrieved January 12, 2021.
Another outstanding submission is a teacher’s resource from Nigeria, Safety Education App for Africans. It includes blog posts, video courses, child safety storybooks, podcasts, books, and other resources for teachers and parents. Its aim is to promote a culture of safety for kids at school and at home.
In 2020, there were a record number of entries: 289, the most since the festival began in 1990. The entries came from 40 countries and include short films, documentaries, animations, TV spots, apps, web-based training, and more. In January 2021, the international jury will nominate 18 of the shortlisted entries for a prize, and in September they’ll announce the 6 prize winners.
The IMFP runs every three years as part of the World Congress on Safety and Health at Work. For a chance to see what’s different — and the same — in other parts of the world, take a look at the 2020 IMFP entries. The IMFP also lists the finalists in a PDF including the English translations of the titles and the country of origin. The list is useful if you want to search for specific titles on the IMFP website.
Let me know in the comments below what your favourite entries are.
Great article Susan. Users access the article don’t have access to any of the videos, except the WorkSafeBC one. The others render the warning below when accessed.
“Unfortunately, there is no authorization available to view this festival entry. Please contact the editor mentioned below.”
How can we get access to watch the other finalist video’s mentioned in the article?
Thanks for your kind words, Pindy! 🙂 Here’s a link to all 50 shortlisted IMFP entries.